English Language/ESOL > Textbooks - Primary / Intermediate > Super Magic

Super Magic is a simple-to-teach, six-level course of American English for primary-school children which follows their cognitive and psychological growth, using a whole-person approach that helps children absorb the experience of a new language.

Student’s Books 1 and 2 + Audio CD

• Action songs involving Total Physical Response present target language in the first two levels.
• Games recycle words and short expressions to practise and fix what has been presented.
• Special sections present:
- Festivals;
- CLIL activities for an interdisciplinary approach;
- A fun play to include the whole class in acting out.
Student’s Books 3 to 6 + Audio CD
• Gradual increase in complexity carefully coordinated with the child’s cognitive development.
• Photographs open each unit, relating English to the child’s experience of the world.
• Cartoon stories, games and fun activities activate the language introduced.
• CLIL sections introduce age-appropriate interdisciplinary materials and vocabulary.
• English-speaking-world section expands language learning into development of wider educational competences.
Digital Book
• Each level is accompanied by its digital version.
• Fully-interactive version for use in class with an interactive whiteboard (IWB) or PC.
• All the course material, teaching resources and tools in digital format.
• Fun and motivating ‘heads-up’ moments for everyone in the class.

Teacher’s Books 1 to 6 + Audio CD

• Detailed teaching notes and tips for each lesson.
• Transcripts of all recorded material.
• Answer keys for all exercises and activities.
• Set of photocopiable tests and self-check worksheets.
• Flashcards to present and practise target vocabulary (levels 1 and 2).
• Story Cards to capture children’s attention and aid comprehension of the stories (levels 1 and 2) .
• Posters to provide a permanent focus for vocabulary, grammar and functions practice and repetition.
• Puppet of Benjy, the friendly bear, to enliven children’s first experience of English.