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Kuaile Hanyu Book 2 Pupils

Kuaile Hanyu Book 2 Pupils

Author: LI Xiaoqi et al
$39 .95 (NZD) inc GST
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Kuaile Hanyu engages students' interest straight away through the use of appealing cartoon personalities, full colour cartoons and photographs, and bold design, with increasing Chinese content as the series progresses. The dialogue situations are life-like, relevant and familiar, drawn from areas such as family, school, food, environment, work and sports. Each of the three books in the series consists of twenty-four chapters, clustered four to a unit, with a revision summary at the end of each unit. As in most Chinese-published material, the emphasis is on direct immersion in language exercises, and there are numerous exercises for each new construction. English text is kept to a minimum. Because the emphasis in Kuaile Hanyu is on learning characters and pinyin together; the pinyin pronunciation appears above each character in small text (grouped as a compound where appropriate), providing a more friendly approach for children. All Chinese text is presented in this way. Character-writing exercises are also incorporated in the student textbooks. Audio CDs are available for each book and there is ample scope for children to gain listening and comprehension practice.

Stock Information

General Fields

  • : 9787107171277
  • : Peoples Education Press
  • : Peoples Education Press
  • : books

Special Fields

  • : Paperback
  • : LI Xiaoqi et al